Mail-in Membership Form

Please print this form and mail it with your check or money order made out to:
IHEN, c/o PGPress/eMedia, P.O. Box 47, Yorktown, IN 47396

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________  County: _______________

City: __________________________________  State: ____  Zip: __________

Phone: ___________________  E-mail: __________________________________

School Name: ________________________________  Number: _______________
   (Optional)                                        (Optional)

Subscribe me to the "IHEN Journal" newsletter. Y / N (circle one)

I'm interested in becoming an IHEN County Contact. Y / N (circle one)

Check one:
     Standard Membership [  ] $25.00 
     (Charter Member status to the first 100!)

     Corporate Membership [  ] $100.00 
     (Please write to AdManager@ihen.org for more information on the
     benefits of becoming a corporate supporter of IHEN!

  Thank you for supporting Hoosiers who homeschool. This is the mission
and goal of IHEN, and we thank you for joining us in this journey.
  If you are one of the first 100 members of IHEN (judged by postmark
if there is a conflict) then you will receive Charter Member status.
  An IHEN Charter Member receives 2 years of membership benefits for the
price of one! Or you may also decide to give your second year to a friend!
  If you would like to give a one-year IHEN membership to a friend who
homeschools, or may be thinking of homeschooling, please write to
IHEN@ihen.org and we'll help you do that.
   Again, thank you for helping IHEN to Help Hoosier Homeschoolers!

Jane Casey
Founder, IHEN

©2003, Indiana Home Educators' Network All Rights Reserved | Updated: 8/3/03 |