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__________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________
> #2.04 April 2002

An e-mail newsletter, published monthly by the

__Archives: >

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__Current issue of the IHEN Journal Online can be found at:

Editor: Wendy Schlie >

Production/Design: Peach Grove Press/eMedia
E-mail: > | Web: >

>"IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors as noted.
>All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed.
>See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter.

______________________________________________ CONTENTS__________
> it's spring... really! i swear!

__it's spring and it's time to let the turtle out!

__you read, you write, we read, we share

__a monthly sampler from IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" list

__a bulletin board style forum with "great potential!"

> [5] IHEN COUNTY CONTACTS: Who you gonna mail?
__searching for volunteers... looking... looking...

__a column by debbie harbeson

__learning centers - part 1
__starting a chess club


__who's who; staff and volunteers
__e-mail addresses
__e-mail list addresses
__subscription instructions

__forwarding guidelines

________________________________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR __________
> by wendy schlie, editor

Welcome to the April issue of the IHEN Journal! I hope everyone is
doing well.

I'm eagerly waiting for spring to stay around for a bit so I can put
Frankie out in her box. Frankie's our Eastern Box Turtle and she's
been hibernating the winter in our garage. This was her second winter
with us. In the last couple of years, since we acquired Frankie, I've
learned more about turtles than I thought possible. There are many
wonderful resources available on the Internet as well as at the
library about the care of turtles.

In this issue, we have some old favorites - Hoosier Homeschoolers
On-Line, covering three email lists; Off the Deb End, with really
good suggestions on helping those doubting relatives see the merits
of homeschooling; and IndianaHomeschoolers email list sampler. Also
in this issue are a couple of new features - Coach Stull shares with
us how to start a chess club and Betty Malone tells us of her
adventures in starting a learning center.

Have a wonderful spring!

Until next month,

/s/ Wendy

______________________________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS __________

We know you're out there and reading. Why not drop us a line and let
us know what you think or what you think *we* should think.

_____ Editor's Mail Box __________

E-mail your letters to: >

_______________________________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST __________
> by debbie harbeson

The arrival of Spring means that the Indiana Homeschoolers email list
is blooming with information for homeschooling families! If you want
to go to a specific post, remember, all you have to do is go to our
website > and
click on messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message
number on the search box where it says Msg #.

(Numbers refer to message number in the archives at YahooGroups. You
must be a list subscriber to access the archives and files.
Subscription information is below.)

Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list:

6192 Response for math help
6215 More math help
6221 New list for South Central Indiana homeschoolers

6145 Site for Indiana Festivals: >
6151 Mounds State Park Nature Programs
6182 First Nations PowWow at IU: >
6182 American Indian Events Calendar: 
6201 Homeschool day at Kentucky Kingdom
6205 Information on a seminar for high school transcripts
6218 Debate Tournament Information

6127 U.S. Chess Club site: >
6142 Life Learning magazine:
6216 Book Cover Illustration Contest for Homeschoolers

* Thread discussing a reply to a homeschooling question given
  by Marilyn Vos Savant, who has a weekly column in the newspaper.
* Thread about homeschool chess clubs getting into competitions.
* Off Topic thread about landfills and Indian burial grounds

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers list, send an email to: 

_____ ABOUT THE IndianaHomeschoolers LIST __________

We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and
Discussion list is probably one of the better (if not the only)
statewide e-mail discussion lists going!

And what makes it the best, first source for statewide
homeschooling information and discussion? Our subscribers.

Parents who homeschool are proving every day that Hoosiers are
some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If you aren't
subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list, then why not?
It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up on a really
great "Spring Craft Project Idea" from one of our famous
"Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) 

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion
List, send e-mail to:

_________________________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE __________
> by jessica radtke

This month's installment of "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line" features
three e-mail lists serving the Indiana homeschooling community.

I'm sure many of you are already familiar with the
IndianaHomeschoolers list on Yahoo, but just in case Ñ Indiana
Homeschoolers is one of the top lists for homeschooling families in
our state! It is a networking e-mail list for all homeschoolers in
the state of Indiana. It is intended to help link individual
homeschoolers and provide information about support groups,
activities, legal issues, and homeschooling news in general
throughout the state and nationally. It is a relatively unmoderated
list and open to homeschoolers of any stripe and style of
homeschooling. The IndianaHomeschoolers list is the main networking
list for IHEN. All are welcome! To join IndianaHomeschoolers, visit
their Yahoo Web page at:

The second list this month is an unschooling/child led learning list
on MSN. This is a fairly new list and was started to help unschoolers
in Indiana meet other like-minded families in their areas and across
the state. You can find the list at

The third list that I would like to introduce you to is the ADD-ADHD
homeschoolers list for Indiana located at:
This list was formed especially for those parenting and homeschooling
children with ADHD. If you are already homeschooling, or just
considering it, please join in!

Over the next few months I will be showcasing on-line resources
representing the various geographical areas of Indiana, a few of the
religions within our homeschooling community, specific educational
methods and subjects, low-cost curriculum sources, and more. If you
have or know of an on-line resource Ñ on these topics or others Ñ
that you would like to see listed in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers
On-line" portion of the IHEN Journal, send the information to Jessica
Radtke at

_______________________________________ COUNTY CONTACTS __________
> by b. b. bennett & marla james

We are still looking for volunteers to be County Contacts. IHEN's
goal is to have a volunteer parent homeschooler in every county of
the state, available to answer questions via e-mail. It's really
going to be easier than most people believe.

Most of the questions will be from people referred from the
IndianaHomeschoolers list, because they are interested in the
support groups or activities that are going on in your county.

We anticipate the e-mail traffic to be very low, but if you
consider yourself "well connected" and can help out one or two
new homeschoolers a year, wouldn't it be worth the time?

We thought so. Here's how to get started:

To volunteer as an IHEN County Contact, send your NAME, COUNTY,
and E-MAIL ADDRESS to > or to our
County Contact Tracker:
Marla James at >

See the "CONTACTS" section of the "IHEN Journal" for more
important addresses.

_____ COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE __________

We have volunteer IHEN County Contacts in the following

Allen | Boone | Delaware | Hamilton | Lake | Madison
Marion | Owen | Porter | Starke | Steuben

If your county isn't listed, and you think you can answer a few
questions a month by e-mail, why not e-mail Marla and the
address above and let her know you'd like to give this IHEN
County Contact thing a go! You can also see the current list of
contacts on the web at >

_______________________________________ OFF THE DEB END __________
> by debbie harbeson


Although homeschooling has been growing steadily, it is still a very
unusual educational choice. Most of us have encountered family
members who have doubts and misunderstandings about homeschooling.
Yes, I can see you picturing those penetrating looks from relatives
that seem to say, Are you crazy?!

Engaging in open discussion and sharing resources like articles,
books, and magazines can be helpful, but sometimes that just doesn't
work. You can talk and talk and still attitudes are unchanging. The
door isn't only shut; it has three deadbolts and two bar locks on it.

So go through the window. Instead of trying to convince them, simply
let it happen naturally. Its a lot like the unschooling philosophy;
you just trust the process and relax. However, I dot mean you have to
sit around and wait for their enlightenment. Like an unschooling
parent who finds resources to help kids follow their interests, you
can do things to help family members understand that homeschooling is
a valid educational option.

One idea is to write a newsletter. Work on it as a family, with each
member contributing, or just let the kids take charge. Kids can write
articles on what they have been doing and learning. They can draw
pictures. Perhaps they want to report on an interesting place they
visited, or an animal they have learned about. My son, Keith, liked
to create fun puzzles and tests for readers to solve based on topics
they were learning about. He made a clip-out section for anyone who
wanted to fill it out and send it back. On some returned slips, we
received comments about having to get out the dictionary or
encyclopedia to figure out some of the test questions. Have fun with
it; let the kids create a logo and title for the newsletter. Send it
to family, friends, and even other homeschoolers. This has the
advantage of quietly helping nervous relatives see the sorts of
activities homeschoolers do.

Another idea to try is to make use of relatives talents, interests
and skills. You have resources all around you in your friends and
family. When they realize they have a talent or skill that one of
your kids is very interested in, they will feel very flattered and
useful. They will enjoy the fact that they can contribute. And a busy
relative is a quiet relative! When my daughter, Melissa, began to get
very interested in gardening, my dad wanted to help her get started.
Before we knew it, he was out in our back yard with landscape timbers
and a truckload of dirt and together they built a raised garden bed.
They have had lots of fun over the years competing with each other to
see who can get the first tomato of the season. The sometimes hidden
message here is that they see first-hand how most education is
learned not in a school building, but through purposeful activities
as a result of following an interest. Grandparents quickly catch on
to the advantages of being able to spend much more time with
grandkids doing fun and interesting activities and learning together.
Much better than having lunch in the school cafeteria once a year on
grandparents day.

Having family join you on trips, short or long, can be another
experience that shows homeschooling's advantages. The big difference
here is that the trips you take can be tailored to the current
interests of your kids. My brother knew about an interest Melissa had
in Norman Rockwell and when we went to visit him in New Jersey, he
planned a trip to Philadelphia to the Norman Rockwell Museum. It was
a lot of fun for him to share the experience with her. He was
delighted at her interest and fed off of that himself. There were
none of the I don't want to learn, that only happens in school
attitudes. Another lesson for the relatives, right?

Keep this up and perhaps one day you will see those family members
giving themselves penetrating looks in the mirror and saying, "Were
you crazy?" as they wonder why they ever thought homeschooling
wouldn't work.

____________________________________ POINTS OF INTEREST __________

_____ LEARNING CENTERS (Part 1) __________
> by betty malone

As homeschooling enters the new millenium we are seeing a wider
variety of homeschooling options and choices. Gone are the days when
unschooling and school at home were the two main types of
homeschoolers. Today's homeschooling families are seeking methods of
schooling that will compete with their public school counterparts in
all arenas; sports, academics, extracurricular, social, and special
needs. Many homeschool support groups have evolved into weekly co-ops
that offer a variety of group classes and activities taught by parents
and professionals in varying fields. And as the success of these
co-ops have grown, so has the need for a central meeting place to
gather resources, supplies, equipment and of course, kids!

Several new learning communites have begun throughout the United
States. Seattle Free Schools and Natural Learners in Pennsylvania are
just two prototypes of learning centers actively growing and providing
services. Both are based on the co-operative model, with Seattle Free
School held in a home, while Natural Learners just moved into their
own co-op owned historic building in Lancaster. In Madison County, a
group of homeschooling families is attempting to cooperate with the
Wilson Boys and Girls Club to develop a learning center that can be
used by home educated students and families during the day, and by
the after school members of Wilson's in afternoon and evening.

This series of articles will attempt to chronicle this development
process which is in the emergent cocoon stage. We have the idea, we
have the place, we have the kids, we have the desire and will; but
putting it all together into a workable learning center may prove to
be a formidable task. We are faced with certain obstacles and
problems that need to be addressed before we become more than just a
loosely formed co-op. At this time, we are using the building for
several weekly activities.

A small group of families meet in the library twice a week for
spanish classes taught by a professinal tutor. One parent started a
drama group last year that meets on Tuesday afternoons with
approximately 16 kids. Drama has been an enjoyable learning
experience for all of us and we have had good participation from
families and their kids. On Wednesday mornings we have a loose co-op
that has had some trouble finding a good working structure but are
engaged in a strong young kids theatre group, music, nutrition, and
play group. We are developing a manners class to start soon as well
as a physical fitness group and a horse study unit this spring.

Sounds good so far, doesn't it? However the problems continue to
arise. The main issue is the location and age of the building.
Wilson's serves to meet the needs of at risk children in a
neighborhood that is full of them. And the building is old, and
drafty; staff and budget barely adequate to cover their base needs.
Along with many service organizations their budgets have been slashed
with recent economic crises and Wilson staff struggles to fulfill
their mission.

My belief in the center is that here is an opportunity for our
children to work, play and learn by the side of children much less
fortunate than them. I believe that my child will benefit from
participating in a multi cultural experience in an arena that isn't
always comfortable for either one of us, but is safe and supervised
by professionals and parents who are capable. Our opponents viewpoint
is that the building and environment is unsafe and therefore not
usuable and they wish our group to withdraw from this venture.

While I understand and even empathize with this view, I feel strongly
in both goals. I believe that our future is dependent upon our
children learning to work and live together in a multi-cultural
world. And I believe that our learning center can achieve that goal
by demonstrating to both sets of children that true cooperation can
occur between groups of genuinely interested families. And I firmly
believe in the need for a learning center where children can use
their natural curiosity to explore art, music, drama, foreign
language, computers, photography, and positive peer interactions with
the cooperation of parents who care about them.

We shall see as we work on this project whether that will be the
case. I will be back next month to let everyone know how the project
is developing. It will be a challenge but an exciting one. I would
love to hear your reactions and viewpoints on this project.

_____ STARTING A CHESS CLUB __________
> by joe stull

[Joe Stull is currently a tournament director, and the chess coach
for the AACHE (Angola Area Christian Home Educators) chess club,
where the kids have placed well in tournaments, even at the state
level. Joe is also a seasoned player, having played in numerous state
and national tournaments. Joe has kindly offered some advice for those
throughout the state who are interested in setting up their own chess
club, for their homeschoolers or the general public.]


The answer to this question is easier than you might think. Anyone!
You don't have to be a good player to be able to help the children
learn the game of chess. In fact, some of the children probably
already know how to play.


Anyone who is willing to learn! They can even start as early as the
age of four, though most start at a later age. You can include
children with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, or other
challenges. You just might be surprised on how chess may help them in
other areas!


It is good to have a plan before you get the club going. Have an idea
of what to do in the first few meetings, which could be as simple as
learning/teaching the basics. After you get going you and the
children can begin to set goals on the things they'd like to
accomplish over the year.


This all depends on what the children (and their parents), would like
to do. You can start with once a week for an hour or two. If chess is
a "big hit" and they want to meet more often then you can add another
day(s) as you prefer. 


In a room with tables and chairs is best. Maybe it is the local
library, a church, or even a home.


Chess has an educational value in critical and abstract thinking,
planning, logic, and analysis. Their ability to concentrate will
improve, and they can learn about sportsmanship. Studies have shown
that chess can help improve children's school grades!


It's a good idea to first get the word out about having a chess club
so you can find out who is all interested. This helps in determining
what you need to plan, when and how often you meet and even where you

If you have any questions, which were not answered above, feel free
to email me > your questions and I'll
do my best to answer them.

/s/ Joe (aka Coach Stull)

AACHE Chess Club


______________________________________________ CONTACTS __________
> who's who; what's where at IHEN

All volunteers working to bring IHEN to Hoosier homeschoolers can
be reached all at once by sending an e-mail to the IHEN
Organizational e-list address >
The current web site address for IHEN, where you can see up to
date information, resources and online versions of this newsletter
is at this URL: >

_____ IHEN JOURNAL STAFF __________

EDITOR: Wendy Schlie >
PRODUCTION: Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


__Ben Bennett >
__Debbie Harbeson >
__Marla James >
__Betty Malone >
__Jessica Radtke >
__Joe (Coach) Stull > chess@thewordsofeternallife

_____ IHEN VOLUNTEERS __________




IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS: Benjamin Bennett and
Debbie Harbeson


> chess@thewordsofeternallife

_____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________

The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to
"IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for
networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. Our e-mail lists are
neither restricted to IHEN members nor to only homeschooling parents.
The "IndianaHomeschoolers" list is open to anyone with an interest in
educating their own children. We hope that by running our statewide
networking list in this fashion, we will be able to communicate to
anyone interested in homeschooling, the diversity and unique family
affirming qualities the home learning lifestyle provides.

Because of this philosophy, the topics and discussions on the
"IndianaHomeschoolers" list are general in nature. Any secondary
e-mail lists we promote or moderate in the future, will likely be
more focused on specific needs. We will try to promote those Indiana
lists in the future. If you moderate an Indiana homeschooling e-list,
write to the Editor (Wendy) with your request for inclusion in our
next issue > or our new E-list
Resource Coordinator, Jessica Radtke > who will
be gathering information for an e-mail discussion list, resource list.

You can join any of the e-mail discussion lists below, by going to
the web site, or sending a blank e-mail to the address given. Some
lists may not be affiliated directly with IHEN or IHEN's members and
are governed by their own rules of conduct as written by their
moderators. Please read list rules and descriptions carefully before
subscribing and posting:


__IndianaHomeschoolers: IHEN's Statewide Networking List

__IHEN-Org: IHEN's Organizational working e-list

__IHEN-News: Subscribe to the "IHEN Journal"


__In Progress


__In Progress

* Affiliated lists are e-mail discussion lists where someone from
IHEN knows and has had conversations with the list moderator. The
list moderator agrees with the principles and mission of IHEN and
while not speaking for IHEN, will attempt to conduct their e-mail
list in a manner that reflects the mission and principles of IHEN.

** Unaffiliated e-mail lists are Indiana homeschooling discussion
lists that have not chosen to affiliate with IHEN, but we feel are of
enough interest to some parents to list them in our directory. That
said, we can neither endorse, nor be held accountable to any actions,
content or abuses that may occur on these discussion lists. As in all
things, your mileage may vary. :-) If you feel any of these e-mail
lists are not worthy of listing, you may forward your comments to the
IHEN Organizational list address > for


To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all
you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN
Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address
> and become part of this
network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!!

If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please
e-mail >


_______________________________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION __________
> forwarding guidelines

Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the
author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this
publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in
writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests
by e-mail to >

"IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana
Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint
and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the
newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright
notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home
education in Indiana.


> eNewsLetter produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


>> Peach Grove Press is a proud sponsor of, contributor to and
>> with, the Alternative Educators' Network. AEN members believe that
>> "All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?ª"

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