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__________________________ IHEN Journal __________________________
>                                           #2.02 February 2002

                    Published monthly by the

   Archives: >
   Subscribe by e-mail: >

     Editor: Wendy Schlie >
  Production/Design: Peach Grove Press/eMedia >

>   "IHEN Journal" ©2002, IHEN and respective authors as noted.
>All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution rights allowed.
>    See forwarding guidelines at the end of the newsletter.

__________ CONTENTS ______________________________________________
>                        is it spring, or are we in indiana?

> [1] Letter from the Editor
          teaching, teaching and this issue

> [2] Letters from the Readers
          you read, you write, we read, we share

> [3] Indiana's E-list Digest
          a monthly sampler of the riches available on IHEN's
             statewide networking e-list: "IndianaHomeschoolers"

> [4] Hoosier Homeschoolers On-Line
          Jessica Radtke begins her monthly quest for on-line resources

> [5] County Contacts, the Column
          speaking of volunteers... still need 'em!


> [a] Contacts
          who's who; staff and volunteers
          e-mail addresses
          e-mail list addresses
          subscription instructions

> [b] Copyrights/Distribution
          forwarding guidelines

__________ LETTER FROM THE EDITOR ________________________________
>[1]                                   by wendy schlie, editor

Welcome to IHEN Journal!

I hope the New Year is still going well for everyone. I told you last
month I started teaching at Ivy Tech and I promised to tell you about
my newest adventures in teaching. Well, so far there haven't been any
major crises or battle of wills. I have three classes, all Math, and
the students are mainly mothers going back to school after being out
for years. I do have a few (VERY few) male students - between the
three classes, there are four of them. My two biggest problems are
remembering all the names and remembering to use the eraser instead
of my hand. All of the class rooms have those wonderful whiteboards
instead of chalk boards, so you would think it would be cleaner.
Well, you couldn't be further from the truth! In reality, I think the
whiteboards are just as messy - my hands are almost always black by
the end of class. Luckily - the black ink washes of easily.

Now, teaching at home has gotten more interesting. My dear son has
decided that doing his lessons isn't such a bad thing after all. He's
actually been rather insistent on doing his Hooked on Phonics
everyday. I think he's finally figured out that once he's reading
well, he'll be able to do much more on his own. With my working
again, I've had to change my strategies with teaching Thomas. I try
to get what needs to be done for the day out and go through anything
new with him before I have to leave. Then while I'm gone, he does his
work, and gets help from either his dad or his Nana. So far it has
been working out really well. When I get home, my son gives me a
report of what he accomplished (he started this on his own).
Sometimes, I still wish I had something besides worksheets for him to
do - but I'm adjusting to not having any texts.

In this month's issue, we have a summary of the December happenings
on the IndianaHomeschoolers list. Even with the holiday season, it
was a busy month. Also in this issue, we've started a new feature,
Hoosier Homeschoolers On-line - a regular feature reviewing on-line
resources of interest to Indiana homeschoolers.

I'm still looking for a few good writers and a few good article
ideas. If you know of either, please contact me at >

Have a GREAT month!


__________ LETTERS FROM THE READERS ______________________________
>[2]                                     comments always welcome!

No letters this month. We know you're out there and reading. Why not
drop us a line and let us know what you think or what you think *we*
should think.

_____ Editor's Mail Box __________

E-mail your letters to: >

IHEN Journal Editor

__________ INDIANA'S E-LIST DIGEST _______________________________
>[3]                                    by debbie harbeson

During the month of December, the IndianaHomeschoolers List received
several inquiries for information on local support. We have been
fairly successful at giving these parents timely information, but
this is a good time to make another request that everyone who leads a
local support group to please give IHEN information about your group
so we can help new parents find the local support they need.

This busy month didn't slow down information and resources for
homeschoolers on this list. Our informed members shared tons of good
information as you can see below. If you want to go to a specific
post, remember, all you have to do is go to our website and click on
messages in the left margin. Once there, type in the message number
on the search box where it says Msg #.

Now for this month's sampler of posts to the list:
   > Numbers refer to message number in the archives at
   > YahooGroups. You must be a list subscriber to access the
   > archives and files. Subscription information is below.

> Local group and support resources:
5846 MacBeth class
5852 Chess club
5880 Swim classes at IU natatorium

> State Resources:
5894 Foreign Language for Homeschoolers

> Online Resources:
5839 Science resource:
Used book search:
5842 Article from Natural Parent Magazine
5843 Lots of Christmas links
5851 Announcement of list for homeschoolers interested in discussing volunteering
5854 Top 5 Cds for the classroom
5861 National Merit Scholarship info
5863 Autism information
5867 Information about a newsletter which provides updates on computer viruses
5884 Scholarship information
5891 Top 10 websites according the HEM online newsletter

> Interesting Discussion Threads on:
* Activities to do in Chicago
* A homeschooling case in Massachusetts (The Bryant Family case)
* Several posts from Moms wanting local homeschooling information
* Members providing online support to a Mom who is sick

_____ Shameless Plug __________

We believe that the "IndianaHomeschoolers" Networking and
Discussion list is probably one of the better statewide e-mail
discussion lists going! And what makes it the best, first source
for statewide homeschooling information and discussion? Our
subscribers. Parents who homeschool are proving every day that
Hoosiers are some of the nicest, most helpful people around. If
you aren't subscribed to IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" e-list,
then why not? It can't hurt, and you might even get the heads up
on a really great "Perfect Gift Idea" from one of our famous
"Off Topic" discussions!! ;-) 

To subscribe to the IndianaHomeschoolers Networking and Discussion
List, send an e-mail to: >


__________ HOOSIER HOMESCHOOLERS ON-LINE _________________________
>[4]                                          by jessica radtke

Welcome to "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-line", a new regular feature in
the IHEN Journal. I will be searching the Net to find on-line
resources of interest to Indiana Homeschoolers, starting with e-mail
lists, bulletin boards and Web sites specifically by and/or for
Hoosier Homeschoolers.

This month's featured site is the Indiana Department of Education Web
site, specifically the Office of Student Services page on Private
Education and Home Schooling, located at:
 DOE Student

This page is a very user-friendly introduction to homeschooling in
the state of Indiana.

Indiana laws pertinent to homeschooling are spelled out in black and
white with very little confusing "legal lingo" to wade through. You
will find links to various informative articles on such topics as
"Home School Help Sheet - Information About Home Schooling in
Indiana", "The Relationship Between Home Schools and Public Schools",
"Socialization" and more. In addition, there are links to information
on Indiana Graduation Requirements and Indiana Academic Standards,
and a link to the on-line version of the Home School Enrollment
Report Form. You can also access a list of support groups across
Indiana and a list of higher education institutions in Indiana that
are interested in recruiting homeschoolers.

For anyone new to homeschooling in Indiana, this is the place to

If you have or know of an on-line resource that you would like to see
listed in the "Hoosier Homeschoolers On-line," contact Jessica Radtke
at >

__________ COUNTY CONTACTS _______________________________________
>[5]                            by b. b. bennett & marla james

We still need people to volunteer to be County Contacts. IHEN's
goal is to have a volunteer parent homeschooler in every county of
the state, available to answer questions via e-mail. Most of the
questions will be from people referred from the IndianaHomeschoolers
list, because they are interested in the support groups or
activities that are going on in your county. We anticipate the
e-mail traffic to be very low, but if you consider yourself "well
connected" and can help out one or two new homeschoolers a
year, wouldn't it be worth the time?

We thought so. Here's how to get started:

To volunteer as an IHEN County Contact, send your NAME, COUNTY,
and E-MAIL ADDRESS to > or to our
County Contact Tracker:
Marla James at >

See the "CONTACTS" section of the "IHEN Journal" for more
important addresses.

_____ COUNTY CONTACTS TO DATE __________

We have volunteer IHEN County Contacts in the following

Boone | Delaware | Hamilton | Lake | Madison
Marion | Owen | Porter | Starke | Steuben

If your county isn't listed, and you think you can answer a few
questions a month by e-mail, why not e-mail Marla and the
address above and let her know you'd like to try being an IHEN
County Contact!


__________ CONTACTS ______________________________________________
>[a]                     who's who; what's where at IHEN

All volunteers working to bring IHEN to Hoosier homeschoolers can be
reached all at once by sending an e-mail to the IHEN Organizational
e-list address >

_____ IHEN Journal STAFF __________

EDITOR: Wendy Schlie >
PRODUCTION: Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


   Ben Bennett >
   Debbie Harbeson >
   Marla James >
   Jessica Radtke >

_____ IHEN VOLUNTEERS _____________________________

   Marla James >

   Jessica Radtke >

IHEN's "IndianaHomeschoolers" E-LIST MANAGERS:
   Benjamin Bennett
   Debbie Harbeson

   Benjamin Bennett >

_____ IHEN E-MAIL LISTS __________

The Indiana Home Educators' Network invites you to subscribe to
"IndianaHomeschoolers," our statewide, open e-mail list for
networking with homeschoolers across Indiana. Our e-mail lists are
neither restricted to IHEN members nor to only homeschooling parents.
The "IndianaHomeschoolers" list is open to anyone with an interest in
educating their own children. We hope that by running our statewide
networking list in this fashion, we will be able to communicate to
anyone interested in homeschooling, the diversity and unique family
affirming qualities the home learning lifestyle provides.

Because of this philosophy, the topics and discussions on the
"IndianaHomeschoolers" list are general in nature. Any secondary
e-mail lists we promote or moderate in the future, will likely be
more focused on specific needs. We will try to promote those Indiana
lists in the future. If you moderate an Indiana homeschooling e-list,
write to the Editor (Wendy) with your request for inclusion in our
next issue > or our new E-list
Resource Coordinator, Jessica Radtke > who will
be gathering information for an e-mail discussion list, resource list.

You can join any of the e-mail discussion lists below, by going to
the web site, or sending a blank e-mail to the address given. Some
lists may not be affiliated directly with IHEN or IHEN's members and
are governed by their own rules of conduct as written by their
moderators. Please read list rules and descriptions carefully before
subscribing and posting:


   IndianaHomeschoolers: IHEN's Statewide Networking List

   IHEN-Org: IHEN's Organizational working e-list

   IHEN-News: Subscribe to the "IHEN Journal"





* Affiliated lists are e-mail discussion lists where someone from
IHEN knows and has had conversations with the list moderator. The
list moderator agrees with the principles and mission of IHEN and
while not speaking for IHEN, will attempt to conduct their e-mail
list in a manner that reflects the mission and principles of IHEN.

** Unaffiliated e-mail lists are Indiana homeschooling discussion
lists that have not chosen to affiliate with IHEN, but we feel are of
enough interest to some parents to list them in our directory. That
said, we can neither endorse, nor be held accountable to any actions,
content or abuses that may occur on these discussion lists. As in all
things, your mileage may vary. :-) If you feel any of these e-mail
lists are not worthy of listing, you may forward your comments to the
IHEN Organizational list address > for


To keep up with the latest news and information about the IHEN, all
you need to do is subscribe to our free newsletter, the "IHEN
Journal." Simply send an e-mail to the following address
> and become part of this
network of homeschoolers helping homeschoolers!!

If you would like to be unsubscribed from the "IHEN Journal." please
e-mail >


__________ COPYRIGHTS/DISTRIBUTION _______________________________
>[b]                                    forwarding guidelines

Copyright (c)2002, Indiana Home Educators' Network (IHEN), ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. All materials not marked as copyrighted by the
author/creator is copyrighted by IHEN. No *portion* or *part* of this
publication may be used for commercial purposes without permission in
writing from IHEN and/or the creator/author. Send permission requests
by e-mail to >

"IHEN Journal" is a free monthly newsletter published by the Indiana
Home Educators' Network (IHEN). Subscribers are welcome to reprint
and/or distribute "IHEN Journal" for nonprofit use as long as the
newsletter is distributed in its entirety, including copyright
notices and subscription instructions. Thank you for supporting home
education in Indiana.


> eNewsLetter produced by Peach Grove Press/eMedia >


> Peach Grove Press is a proud sponsor of, contributor to and partners
with the Alternative Educators' Network. AEN members believe that
"All Parents are Educators. What are You Teaching YOUR Children?ª"


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